Friday, November 21, 2008

Perfect 10 Series: Frost*- Experiments In Mass Appeal

In the previous edition of the perfect 10 series, I talked about a beautiful album by a band called Moon Safari. This time, the album if by a band named Frost* and in my opinion is almost flawless. Every song is its own little masterpiece and I get extremely excited at the start of each track as I go through the album. I feel it is a good sign when it is too hard to determine a favorite track from an album and I have to conclude that my favorite track is whichever one I'm currently listening to.

I love the bombastic nature of this album. Many of the songs switch between quiet, serene passages to loud, fast extravaganzas that catches the listener off guard. A good example of this is the title track that begins the album. You start with a very nice, peaceful melody accompanied by acoustic guitars, and then, bam! you are hit full force with a very loud, powerful piece. This contrast is brillant and makes the album that much more exciting.

I don't know what to say except that every track is brilliant in its own way. Particularly, I love Pocket Sun and the crazy drum part that I still have a hard time wrapping my head around. I love the beauty of Saline, especially the string section at the end. Dear Dead Days is fantastic, everything I love about Prog wrapped up in a nice 6 minute package. It is just incredible and leads right into the next fantastic song, Falling Down. I have to also say that You/I is my favorite 1 minute song- it is just haunting beauty personified.

Another of my favorite tracks is Wonderland, which I feel is closest to their other album, Milliontown (even with a reference to the album included). I love the piano lines and the beautiful singing. Also great are the other tracks, Welcome to Nowhere and Toys, which are just tons of fun. This album has it all- incredible beauty, breathtaking soundscapes, and impeccable musicianship. I just grin from ear to ear through the whole thing. I only have one criticism- it is way too short! The album goes by so fast, but I enjoy every second of it. I think Frost* just increased several positions on my favorite artist list. Well done, mates!

Yet Another Fake Immunity Idol

I thought it would be fitting to start back up my blog again with the latest fake hidden immunity idol event, since that is where I left off last season. Randy got played in a big way. Surprisingly, I wasn't as gleeful this time watching Jeff throw the idol in the fire, I actually felt bad for Randy. Sure, he was a big jerk around camp, but his opinions of the others around him seems slightly justified. This is a season full of contestants who seem to be depending on luck rather than strategy. Many of them seem to have the strategy of having no strategy. It is an odd season of Survivor since the "survivors" for the most part seem to be some of the weakest to ever be a part of Survivors. But, there are glimpses of hope amongst the remaining contestants. This is what I'll try to focus on as a rank where I feel the contestants are:

7. Corinne

Corinne seems to be more and more dumbfounded and dissapointed at each tribal council, and this was no exception. Her alliance is slowly crumbling and her elimination seems to be the next logical step for the Fang alliance. She does not get along with anybody else on the tribe, except perhaps Bob, and nobody likes her. I don't see many ways in which she can save herself. She needs to either win a long string of immunity challenges (unlikely) or try to convince Matty and Sugar that they are on the outs of their alliance and that they need to join with her and Bob for a potential chance of making the finals. But, will she allow herself to be brought down to these "morons" levels in order to tell them this plan?

6. Bob

Bob is the most likeable player left in the game (although that isn't saying much based on his competition). He made an interesting move this episode by giving his trust to Sugar and telling her about his fake immunity idol. Even more interesting, he followed her diabolical plan to give the fake idol to Randy and "hilariously" have him look the fool by playing it. How did this strategy help Bob? I'm not sure, to be honest. The best benefit I can think of from it is simply to get on Sugar's good side. But, I don't think it will save him more than one more week unless he can win several immunity challenges (more likely than Corinne, but still difficult) or get someone to switch up their strategy to give him more of an advantage (such as bringing Matty and Sugar in as explained above).

5. Matty

Matty is in trouble simply for his strength. He has the potential to win several challenges, and he seems a lot more likeable than many of the other Fang alliance members. This puts a big target on his back and probably won't get him past 5th or 4th place unless he can win every immunity challenge or switch to a more favorable alliance. He should capitalize on the desperation of Corinne and Bob if he wants to make it to the finals.

4. Sugar

Sugar is in much the same position as Matty. She doesn't seem to be included in Kenny's final three scenario. I placed her higher than Matty, though, because she does have the hidden immunity idol which could shake things up. If she sticks with her current alliance, and they get id of Corinne and Bob, she can use the idol to give her and Matty a significant chance of making the finals. Is she smart enough, though, to come up with this? Sometimes I think she just goes with whatever the crowd is going with, or just based on personal agenda rather than strategy.

3. Susie

There isn't much to say about her. She made a good decision to switch to Kenny and Crystal and vote out Marcus. But, if she does make the finals, there isn't any chance that she will get enough votes to win. I'm pretty sure that Kenny and Crystal are both counting on that.

2. Crystal

Crystal has been very vocal this whole game, and continued that trend by pratically shouting her voting confessional speech about how obnoxious she thinks Randy is. Her boisterous manner could, in fact, cause her to lose votes in a final two or three situation. Once again, I think Kenny is counting on this.

1. Kenny

Who knew that this skinny video game afficionado would end up the mastermind of the season? Kenny seems to have a lot of power in the game right now. It seems that in his alliance what he says goes. This was proven when he convinced the tribe to vote off Charlie in the last episode. He needs to avoid being too cocky, though, because the rest of the tribe may start to sense it and decide to humble him by voting him off. He has set himself up to be in a final 3 situation where the other 2 have no chance of getting very many (if any) votes. If he can keep his alliance intact, he should have a smooth ride to the winners seat. But, this is Survivor, so we all know this won't happen...

So, that's my assessment of the game at this point in time. Corinne is in pretty bad shape, and its going to take some fervent strategizing for her to stick around. The preview for next week is intriguing in which Bob tells Corinne that Marcus hid the immunity idol that he convinced everybody to throw in the ocean in his pocket and dug it and told Bob about it. Could this possibly be true, or is this Bob covering up for the fake immunity idol Randy incident? Just so you know, Randy, I agree with you about the cookies, Sugar was being a jerk about it.