Thursday, April 10, 2008

Survivor Micronesia: The Players So Far...

Along with my tradition of recapping the American Idol performances and ranking them, I will also give my thoughts about Survivor from week to week and give my ranking on how I feel the players are doing in regards to outwitting, outplaying, and outlasting their fellow tribe-mates. So here are the players as I see them going into the merge on tonight's episode:

10. Jason
I think Jason is in real trouble. He doesn't seem to be extremely well-liked by his tribe and he doesn't seem to be one of the smartest contestants to play the game since he believes he has the hidden immunity idol. He does do well in challenges, but with the merge, he will just be overshadowed by the giants that are Ozzy and James. I don't think Jason will be with us too much longer. The odds are against him this season. He is a fan and a guy, two minorities in this season.

9. Eliza
Eliza seems to just simply be the victim of bad luck in this game. She has the worst position amongst the favorites since she is the only surviving member of the aliance that failed on the favorite tribe. She is smart, though, and I could see her working her butt off to try to improve her place in the tribe. But, for the time being, I just can't see how she will survive too much longer.

8. Erik
Erik impressed me last week by avoiding an elimination that seemed to be a sure thing. He showed that he is a good strategist by turning the tribe on Ami in order to stick around. He also has formed a bond with Ozzy that may allow him to survive with the favorites as a swing vote of sorts. I fear that after his use has worn out he'll be out of the game, though.

7. James
I love James, he is a great player and a lot of fun for everyone to be around. But, he has a couple things working against him. One is the fact that he is such a big threat to win challenges after the merge. He also is so likable that if he makes it to the final three, he is guaranteed to win (except maybe against Ozzy). So, that puts a huge target on his back. I also suspect the girls are going to bond together and throw off the big strong guys.

6. Ozzy
I feel that Ozzy and James are in very much the same position in the game. I put Ozzy up a spot though because he does have the hidden immunity idol which could give him another couple of days. Also, Ozzy is more diverse in his challenge ability and he is the true threat of being able to win challenges consistently. I really am rooting for Ozzy, but I think he has a tough road ahead if he wants to make it to the finals.

5. Natalie
I don't know really anything about Natalie, but I think she made a smart move by forming an alliance with Parvati. I believe that Parvati will use Natalie and Alexis to make it to the finals. But, I also see Parvati disposing of them if she can get Cirie and Amanda on her side. Then three favorites are going up against each other in the end, which is how the favorites want it. Natalie hasn't really made an impact to me to know how she fits in the game.

4. Alexis
There really isn't a good reason I put Alexis ahead of Natalie. I think Alexis might be better at challenges and she seems more sociable. But, she is another character this season that hasn't been shown all that much.

3. Cirie
I'm slowly learning that Cirie is one of the smartest people to ever play Survivor. She is making some great moves in this game, and I think she has a shot at making the finals if she sticks with the favorites- especially the "favorites" women. Cirie is not a threat at winning challenges and she is fun to be around, which may lead the women to keeping her around longer.

2. Amanda
It's hard to believe that I'm putting Amanda so high up in the ranking. Amanda was close to winning Survivor last season, and I think she once again has put herself in a good spot. She seems to have quite a bond with Cirie and with Parvati and if she can stick close to them and not let emotional connection to Ozzy get in her way, she could go all the way.

1. Parvati
Parvati is playing to win this time around (not that she didn't before). She is making some smart moves and is showing that she isn't willing to back stab anyone (even James) to get to the finals. I think this attitude will help her get beyond any connections she has and will allow her to have a clear mind to make it far. I'm not a huge Parvati fan, but I respect how shes played the game so far.

So, there are my initial rankings for this season! I'm sure this will change radically as time goes on since Survivor is such an unpredictable game. What I see happening (as I discussed above) is that when they merge Parvati will grab Amanda and try to convince her that they should stick with Natalie and Alexis and get rid of the strong guys since they are such a threat to win the game if they make it to the finals. Amanda will convince Parvati to bring in Cirie so they have a 3-2 advantage aganist Natalie and Alexis when it comes down to 5. This is pure speculation and simply what I would do if I were Parvati and Amanda. So, make sure to watch the episode and I'll recap it tomorrow to see how close or far I was from what really happens.

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